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Zibra Effects

Zibra Smoke & Fire

Creating Simulation Volume

To create a Zibra Smoke And Fire instance:

  1. Right click in the Hierarchy window and select “Zibra Smoke and Fire -> Simulation Volume”.


  2. In the Inspector window, you’ll see the Zibra Smoke And Fire parameters:

    Note that you’ll have an error that it’s not properly configured yet.


  1. Set the “Primary Light” parameter. It’s strictly necessary to set this parameter.

  2. If you did everything correctly, that error in Zibra Smoke And Fire will disappear:


  3. If you are using BRP or HDRP, you are now ready to use Smoke & Fire. For URP please proceed to Additional setup on URP.

Additional setup on URP

If you are using URP you may see those errors:


To add “URP Smoke And Fire Rendering Component” and fix first error:

  1. Navigate to “Edit -> Project Settings…”


  1. From there go to Graphics and open your current Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings asset in the Inspector (you can do it by double clicking it).


  2. Now you can see the Renderer List. Open your default Renderer asset in the Inspector (you can do it by double clicking it). You may need to repeat following steps for non default Renderers if you intend on using smoke & fire with them.


  3. Add the “Smoke And Fire URP Render Component”


    (Specific UI elements can vary depending on Unity version)

  4. If you did everything correctly, that error in Zibra Smoke & Fire will disappear:
