
Join our Discord server and send a bug in the #vdb-unreal-bug-report channel.

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You can copy diagnostic info from Tools > ZibraVDB > Copy diagnostics info. Send this along with a bug description.



Send us an email with a bug description on [email protected]. Please attach any files that can help us reproduce the issue: UE project, VDB sequence, etc.

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You can copy diagnostic info from Tools > ZibraVDB > Copy diagnostics info. Send this along with a bug description.


From UE editor

You can report a bug right inside the UE editor.

  1. Go to the Tools > ZibraVDB > Bug reporter.
  2. Add bug description and steps to reproduce.
  3. Optionally check “Include current editor log”. This can help us reproduce the bug and find a fix.
  4. Press the “Submit” button.
