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Voids are used to destroy liquid. Since there’s a limit to the maximum number of particles in Zibra Liquid instance, you need to destroy particles for your emitters to keep emitting liquid continuously. But if it’s fine for you that the emitters will stop at some point, the usage of voids is optional.
Right click in Hierarchy, and select “Zibra Liquid -> Void”
Note that if you right click specifically on your liquid object you can skip step 2
Open Inspector for your liquid object, and press the Add button in the list of manipulators to add. You can also use the Add all button to add all manipulators to your liquid instance. You may also need to expand the list of colliders to add by pressing the “Add Manipulators” button first.
Void statistics (readonly)
When you start play mode you’ll be able to keep track of how many particles were deleted. You can also access those values via scripts, via “deletedParticleCountTotal” and “deletedParticleCountPerFrame” attributes.
Delete Percentage
What percentage of liquid will be deleted each second if simulation speed is set to default value. Changing simulation speed in liquid will scale deletion speed accordingly.